Crown of Hope International
We live in a world that longs for a change. The kind of change that's long lasting and not just a temporary solution. We have found that the hope that world desires, and the change that people seek is found in the person of Jesus Christ. Our intention is to spend his message in various forms, everywhere, and everyday.

Living Hope Global Initiative
Living Hope Global Initiative is a nonprofit collaborative effort that works with other public charities, nongovernmental organizations (NGO's), businesses, and caring citizens. The focus of this initiative is to provide opportunities for improvement in a variety of areas for underserved populations both locally and abroad.
Urban Missionaries
As modern day apostles our teams are equipped to Venture Into Neighborhoods Evangelistically (VINE). We do so by identifying the existing in needs those communities, establishing ministries to address those needs, and establishing a unique gathering experience out of those ministries. Whether it is a new church plant, social media presence or simply a place to connect with people of like precious faith.
Who We Are
Our Intentions
We are a team of ministry leaders from various backgrounds and nationalities. Our intentions are to advance the Kingdom of God through Spirit-Inspired, methods based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, and best practices in the areas of disciple-making, social justice engagement, church planting, and missions.

What We Have Been doing
About Us
Crown of Hope began in 1992 whose mission is still the same "Carrying Revival Over Where Needed." We define Revival as a Sovereign Move of God that results in spiritual moral and social change. We understand as Christ-Followers though partnership with the Holy Spirit we can identify untapped harvests, and then establish the kind of ministries there that bring about transformative change.

"Do not go where the path may lead, but instead go where there is no path and leave a trail"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Contact Crown of Hope International
P. O. Box 1491
Maricopa, Arizona 85139